June 22, 2012

redang; part II

photo by ruben
photo by hannah
photo by uncle eddy
after begging hannah for about half an hour, hannah finally agreed to let me take pictures of her on the rocks. she found it incredibly awkward, but she managed to be very obedient. the blue water contrasted beautifully with the orange rocks, i loved it! after our little photo session we got ready to go diving! since it was my first time, we started out with  a shore dive. it was still such a wonderful experience! breathing underwater was so much fun. it was so strange that sometimes i forgot to breathe. but then i would remember that if i held my breath that my lungs might pop; that really freaked me out. we saw coral, fish, jelly fish, clown fish (nemos) in their anemones, starfish, and also a trigger fish! the trigger fish was especially cool to see because its "dangerous." and danger is always exciting of course :) more pictures from redang are coming up! i've just been so busy with the shoot i did for sue lyn's blog (twistchic) and traveling to perhentian. i'm currently in penang right now. i'm so excited to meet up with my really good friend, erin. hopefully we'll make a video together! and hopefully i'll post things on time too. thank you all for your support, its very much appreciated :)

1 comment:

Thank you! Each word of encouragement is much appreciated!