June 01, 2012


this is my sister, she is beautiful and definitely one of a kind. she has been living on her own now for the past two years. recently she's been living in rotterdam where she goes to university near amsterdam. i love this independent, strong willed sister of mine. though we have our fights and arguments, i know that at the end of the day, we share something that goes beyond all that. she has the tendency to talk over me sometimes, and it annoys the hell out of me. but i'm always willing to listen to her. and when i need to be heard, i know i can ask her to just listen. she is adorable, helpful, and definitely gets on my nerves. sometimes in a funny way though. she loves this boy named tim, we all love him too. he is arriving tomorrow and we are all delighted to finally have him with us! (he knows how to cook). it is so wonderful to have the whole family together, even though we need to share a 3 and half bedroom apartment. we have about two months together. two months to laze around at home, go to malls, eat delicious asian food, go swimming, take lots of pictures, travel, go to beaches.  i just love the idea of all of us being together, traveling together, making memories together. hopefully you will be able to see that through the pictures that i will be posting. pictures that will forever hold the memories of this perfect to be summer. and to anyone who is reading this,
have a great summer :) 


  1. Great photos, I love the tone of the black and white ones, really lovely. Also, that car is a fantastic backdrop.


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