I'm lost for words to begin to describe the last couple of months. My photographs go all the way back to the beginning of my senior year, and even there I have no words for. I hate to say this, but in retrospect this happened so quickly. cliche, I know. I'm trying so hard right now to say something worthy. But honestly, what is there left besides that life is constantly changing. It is only now, at this moment, that I feel it through goodbyes, packing, spending as much time with friends who are leaving soon. Which almost makes it feel unnatural. We try so hard to make the last moments special. When the casual hang outs were always the most fun. I'm listening to the best playlist ever made specially for me. It was harder than I thought it would be to say goodbye to this friend. Most of all because it seems only impossible to keep up our friendship on a non face-to-face level. Does that make sense? There is a solution, if you can call it that, and I'd be very excited about it. You'll only have to wait to find out.
Then there's another person, whom you've all seen quite frequently on this blog. He's an interesting fellow. Always gets on my nerves. But for some reason we've been great friends for such a long time. Our friendship won't end at goodbye, maybe put on hold. But at this time, I'm happy for where he will be, what he will be pursuing, and simply grateful for the opportunity to know him.
I'd love to write about every dear person in my life, and will, I'm sure, at one point or another. But as for now, I'd love to leave you with a song:
nat and her skeleton lover - for our senior english class production of Benwulf |
when phil came to visit in september |
little sofietje blissfully play by the pool |
one of those days where I go out to lunch with lukas |
my feet before we walk a little ways down the road to eat pizza with the class |
at the swimming pool, enjoying the sun, water, and fresh air |
february - kento, from stranger to friend, helped me with a photography assignment |
april - the three of us went to solo to watch a movie |
lucky, lucky girl :) |
Mr. Hicklin / English Teacher |