February 28, 2013

January | February

bekah's parent's flew her out to kl for her birthday and we had so much fun the two days we had together. i'm happy to have moved to indonesia for many reason and bekah is definitely one of them. i remember our first year of running track together, that was fun. and then the weekly sleep overs with my sister. we had so much fun. and i'm glad we had that same kind of fun when she was back with us. i can't wait to see her this summer in holland, hopefully. 

christmas break ended and we headed back to indonesia and life in salatiga began again. there are photographs from when i was at school, at my friends house, and when kelsey, kohl, and i went to the pool up in salib putih. i don't know how many times i can say that kelsey is just the cutest thing, it never get's old. also, i've been reading a lot of quotes by gandhi. i knew he was a great person and how he was against violence and such. but i never knew all the other things he had to say about life & religion. it was all very inspiring. 

it's been such a tiring week at school. not that i've had anything due or homework to do; it's just exhausting being there. i'm so ready for our senior trip to bali and my birthday! it's really time for a break.

February 23, 2013

erin / spring / 2012

this girl is one of my best friends. she is also incredibly patient. she visited me almost a year ago and has waited this long for my lazy butt to get these photos scanned. we're working on getting her here in May for my graduationnn. i really hope she'll be able to make it. this girl has the best taste in music. i think that's why we're such great friends. haha, that's obviously not all. 

she's a remarkable person and i admire her so much. her last year was spent in new zealand doing a dts (discipleship training school) and traveling around to uganda, ethopia, and hopefully back to indonesia in May to see mee!! i love being friends with this beautiful human being. she has been such a light and inspiration in my life. i love you erin. you're the coolest. 

February 16, 2013

A Blue Million Miles

"Yeah, her eyes, oh, her eyes
Her eyes are a blue million miles
Yeah, her eyes, oh, her eyes
Her eyes are a blue million miles

I look at her and she looks at me
In her eyes I see the sea
I can't see what she sees in a man like me"